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When you think of a facial at Advanced Skin Care Clinic, you probably think about results-based treatments that include creams, masks, and hot-stone massage. A photofacial is none of those things. A photofacial is a results-based laser treatment to treat hyperpigmentation and reduce vascular lesions. A photofacial treatment uses the power of broadband light to improve the appearance of brown spots, sunspots from sun exposure, rosacea, and age spots.
All of the aestheticians at Advanced Skin Care Clinic are laser certified and additionally trained on their InMode laser system. Lumecca is their photofacial handpiece within the InMode machine, which is promoted by the pamphlet as "clear skin in just 10 days." After reading the pamphlet and seeing some before and after photos, my expectations were high.
The treatment starts with paperwork and a consultation with the aesthetician to talk about your skin and skin goals. My areas of concern were sun damage and hyperpigmentation (particularly on my driver�s side) and the little red veins that have started to appear in and around my nose with age. Next comes eye protection, the aesthetician places a pair of black-out goggles over your eyes to block out the light from the pulse of the laser. Next a cool gel is placed on face, and the treatment begins with quick pulses of bright light and a rapid cooling. The aesthetician checks in on your comfort level throughout, adjusting the settings of the machine accordingly. It isn�t comfortable but it isn�t overly uncomfortable either. There is anticipation waiting for the pulse of the laser but the sensation is not particularly painful, instead more annoying, and although your skin gets hot with each pass, the laser itself feels like an ice cube between pulses.
Cool gel applied, Lumecca started.
Half way through treatment, heat building.
Final pulses, hot!
When the treatment was over, my face was pink and hot, and a lot of pigment was drawn to the surface. I iced my face on and off for a few hours immediately following the treatment and in the next 24 hours following the photofacial, more pigment surfaced, it looks and feels almost like coffee grounds spread across the face. I also experienced some swelling and a little bit of blistering in the more heavily pigmented areas. I was reassured that this is all normal and signs of a good treatment. By day three the very mild swelling had subsided, and the pigmentation began to slough off. With each day that passed clear skin was revealed. By day seven, it was like I had a whole new face!
Left: Immediately after treatment
Right: 4 days post treatment
Left: Immediately after treatment
Right: 7 days post treatment
The photofacial at Advanced Skin Care Clinic using Lumecca by InMode, did not disappoint, in fact it exceeded my expectations with the results after just one treatment. I have committed to complete a series of three treatments which is pretty standard with 4-6 weeks between each appointment.
Fall is the best time to address signs of sun damage that occurred over the summer months, restoring your skin to a state of optimal health prior to the holiday season. For the month of October purchase one Photofacial for $225 (Reg. $299) or buy two ($598) and get one FREE (that�s a savings of $299).